It’s been two weeks since we launched our first ever fundraiser for Magnificat Media. There’s good news and bad news to report, and they’re both the same.
Thus far, we’ve raised about 10% of our overall goal of $25,000.
We realize that with only two weeks remaining in November, reaching that amount by the end of the month is a steep hill to climb. But let’s do some math for a second.
Right now, 602 people “like” Magnificat Media’s Facebook page. If each one of those persons made a one-time donation of just $10 dollars we’d be a third of the way to our goal.
If everyone who tuned in to our live radio stream on any given day gave just $20 dollars, we’d be at 50% of our goal.
So you see, this is not unrealistic.
To those who have already donated and helped spread the word about what we are doing, we thank you and you are in our prayers. Keep it up. But we need a lot more help if we are going to keep the lights on.
Look, we get it. Finding time to tune in to an internet-based radio station isn’t always easy. But we’re working on making things easier for you. For one, we want to develop an app for your phone so you can take us on the go. We’re also in the process of getting our podcasts up on iTunes. Moreover, we plan on writing more articles on our blog so we can can bring you the truth about what’s going on in the Church and in the world. But doing all of this costs time and money.
Fortunately, Collegium Sanctorum Angelorum, a Catholic college in Ocala, Florida, has partnered with us. Together we are selling Heavenly Roast Coffee. For every pound of coffee you purchase, the proceeds will be split between us and them. So, if you’re looking for an early stocking stuffer and want to help us “go forth and teach all nations,” then click here to buy some great tasting coffee.
No one said this was going to be easy. And we’re not ready to throw in the towel just yet. Indeed, when you have dozens of priests and hundreds of laypersons on multiple continents thanking you on a daily basis for what you are doing, something good is going on.
So, with just two weeks to go until our Fall Fundraiser is over, we are asking you to be as generous as you can be during this great time of need.
In Christ and the Militia Immaculatae
Mike and Lisa Austin and staff