Padre Pio was a Capuchin Monk born in 1887 in Pietrelcina, Italy. He suffered many physical maladies and was sickly throughout his life.
In 1918 he had a vision of Jesus while offering the Mass and when it ended Padre Pio had the stigmata on his hands, feet, and side. Padre Pio had many special gifts, including the ability to tell if people were forthcoming and contrite in confession. He routinely spent more than ten hours a day in the confessional to reconcile people to God and people came from all over the world for him to hear their confessions. He developed an extensive following that has only increased since his death and canonization.
Planning is underway for a 2017 U.S. tour of Padre Pio’s relics and you can bring them to you! Katia Felty is making it her mission to bring Padre Pio, whom she calls her “spiritual saint,” to everyone who wants to encounter him. A few months ago Katia, working at a church in Pennsylvania, received a call from a woman in Texas, asking about a church event that was taking place. The two women got to taking and by chance (Katia calls it a miracle) the woman mentioned that the relics of Padre Pio were coming to her church. Eager to bring the relics to Pennsylvania, Katia got the contact information of the Capuchian Friar in Italy who was traveling with the relics and what originally started as a visit to one church in Texas turned into a tour of 20 churches in Texas, Pennsylvania, and California. The relics were in a specially made triple reliquary and included his gloves, hair, a piece of one of his nails, a scab from the stigmata and a linen cloth that was used to wipe blood from his side wound. That tour has ended, but Katia is working on a 2017 tour of his relics to the United States and wants to bring them to you. How do you bring the relics of Padre Pio to your church? The best way is to talk to other churches in your Diocese and neighboring Dioceses. Having many churches willing to host the relic tour makes it more convenient and economical to bring the relics to that state. Contact Katia Felty at 570-259-9903 or mail to: Rynoles@gmail.com for more information.
For locations where Padre Pio relics are currently on display for public veneration and other relics on tour please visit Catholic Pilgrimage Sites at http://www.catholicpilgrimagesites.com/ .
To hear more about this and how you can see many other relics, listen, Tuesday, May 31st, to Your Morning Tradition when they interview Catholic Pilgrimage Sites on MAGNIFICAT RADIO , from 6am – 8am and from 3pm – 5pm, CST, USA @ http://www.magnificatmedia.com/ ~ “LIVING OUR FAITH”.
Written by: J.C. at Catholic Pilgrimage Sites Photo Credit of the reliquary of Padre Pio: Katie Felty