Below you will see what a maniple looks like but have you ever wondered why the priest wears it?
Do you know what it’s made of?
This is what I know. The maniple is worn on the priest’s left arm. It also is made of the same material as the chasuble. It falls under the title of outer vestments and is only worn by the priest when vested in a chasuble for celebrating Mass.
Most of you probably know all this but there are some people that simply don’t know and today Louis Tofari is going to tell us it’s historical origin, the use for it, and who can actually wear it.
Louis Tofari is a very knowledgeable man when it comes to liturgical issues. His apostolate, Romanitas Press seeks to present information and references for a better appreciation and understanding of the ceremonial details and the profound dignity and sacredness of the liturgy.
Romanitas Press provides instructional and training materials for lay altar servers and clergy about the traditional Roman liturgy. Link here,
and check out his books, articles, automobile medals, Server’s Mass Responses Card, serving guide and many more liturgical press items.
Join us at Magnificat Media to listen to our interview Louis Tofari on Your Morning Tradition at Magnificat Radio from 6 am – 8 am and from 3 pm – 5 pm today, August 19, 2015 to find more about the maniple.