Phenomenal Book Review
The Immaculata Our Ideal: The Spirit of the Militia Immaculatae according to Father Maximilian Kolbe by Fr. Karl Stehlin is a must read! I thought it was very interesting and an easy read. I was able to read it in only four days! It tells you what you must do as a Knight of Our Lady. It tells about some of the history of how the Militia
Immaculata started and all the difficulties that St. Maximilian Kolbe had to go through. The book tells you the true meaning of the Militia Immaculatae and all the different weapons it has. Plus, I loved how they had many quotations by St. Maximilian Kolbe himself! One of my favorites was this:
“Anyone who belongs entirely to the Immaculata will explicitly entrust his adoration to her when he visits the Savior in the Most Blessed Sacrament, be it only through the invocation, “Mary”, for he knows that in that way he will be most pleasing to the Lord Jesus. For then she will take a more active part in this visit than he, and he in her and through her. It is the same with being better prepared to receive Holy Communion: we should entrust our reception of the Sacred Host entirely to her, so that she may prepare our hearts; then we can be sure that we show Him the greatest possible love.”
If you are already enrolled in the Militia Immaculatae, this book helps you to better understand what it really means to be a Knight of Our Lady. If you haven’t already enrolled, this book will help you to understand why you should enroll into the Militia Immaculatae and all the graces and benefits you get after enrolling. Fr. Stehlin answers many of your questions, such as: Does the Knight of the Immaculata have any guarantee that he will actually attain his great goal? (as found on page 115). If you don’t have this book in your library, then you should buy it!