One fervent Hail Mary with love
and thought said
Is better than volumes of prayers poorly read,
If time and one’s duties prevent a long prayer,
Just say one Hail Mary with fervor and care.
The “Golden Hail Mary”
which from the heart springs
The greatest of blessings from Mary it brings;
before Mary’s throne
How that daily Hail Mary
brought us to her home
If we dwell on the words,
“Mary, Mother of God,”
Do we not honor Jesus, her Son and her Lord?
And – “Pray for us now and at the hour of our death” –
That moment when spiritual foes will be met.
Ah! that is the moment we’ll surely need aid;
And to Mary we’ll turn, that sweet,
lowly hand-maid.
Be sure she will help you if truly you say
One single Hail Mary – just one every day.