The Hunger Games is an extremely popular movie franchise about a dystopian (what else?) society where a powerful central government known as The Capitol controls – psychologically, economically, politically and culturally – the 13...
In this "Church & State" episode, Stephen Kokx talks briefly about the European Union and then shares his thoughts on Cdl. Muller’s remarks about the Society of St. Pius X needing to “accept Vatican...
Stephen talks briefly about the European Union and then shares his thoughts on Cdl. Muller’s remarks about the Society of St. Pius X needing to “accept Vatican II” before they are fully “regularized.”
On May 6th, Bp. Athanasius Schneider of Kazakhstan spoke at the Third International Rome Life Forum. The good Bishop discussed, among other things, deception, the need for clarity, St. Pope Pius X and Fulton Sheen’s...
“I would say the UK are better off without the European Union personally, but I’m not making that as a recommendation, just my feeling.” Those are the wise words of Donald J. Trump.
Kudos to the Republican Governor of North Carolina. At a time when the GOP has all but given up on social issues, Governor Pat McCrory has decided to sue the federal government. Why? Because...
Two importance articles. Both about social conservatism. Is it dead? I think so. And so does, I think, the blogger at A Blog for Dallas Area Catholics. His essay, “Does Cruz’s defeat mean the end...
Target, as you may know, has decided to allow men to use women’s bathrooms. 1.1 million people have pledged to boycott the store for this change in policy. One of those people is Steve Skojec...