Pilgrimage of Mercy ~ St. Maria Goretti Relics
From September to November of this year, 2015, the major relics of St. Maria Goretti will make a pilgrimage to the United States.
From September to November of this year, 2015, the major relics of St. Maria Goretti will make a pilgrimage to the United States.
Romanitas….we hear that word often in conjunction with Louis Tofari but what does that word mean exactly.
There’s something new brewing over at Our Lady of Guadalupe Monastery.
This post will be dedicated to excerpts from Dr. Peter Chojnowski speech that he had given at the “Fatima: Only Way to World Peace” conference in Brazil, August 2007.
The following is an excerpt of a Starkenburg article that was written a long time ago by Father Novak.
In an instant, your life can change either for the good or for the bad.
Father Peter Scott is looking for help and support.
Jim Morlino from Navis Pictures has a tremendous amount of experience in this field.
One of our listeners suggested that Your Morning Tradition at Magnificat Radio might be interested in contacting Rita Davidson, a traditional catholic.
On Friday, September 25, 2015 we showcased on Your Morning Tradition excerpts from “A toast to our good wives who make us better men.”
What is a rite? In general, the manner and form of a religious function.
The final straw that decided the uproar of this war happened on March 3, 1793.
You may not know this but the Auriesville Pilgrimage is a FREE pilgrimage.
IN THIS SHOW: History & Saint of the Day – Ted & Harlean Huebner (a long, Catholic marriage) – Michael Murphy (Latin- “Disciple”) – “Pizza Farms” 1st HALF 2nd HALF All content...
IN THIS SHOW: History & Saint of the Day – Dancing/Music with Lewis Lloyd – Michael Murphy (Latin “Salute”) – Upcoming shows & weird, Satanic statue 1st half 2nd half All content and...
IN THIS SHOW: This Day in History & Saint of the Day – “Holy Name”(from the Treasury of Catechism) – “The Holy Name Society” with Ted Huebner – Latin word “Animus” with Michael Murphy….enjoy 1st...
I’m sure most of you, like myself, have often wondered what or how do you discern a religious vocation?
If you happened to catch the talk on education this morning, Monday, September 14th, on Your Morning Tradition, the following St. Thomas Aquinas prayer is what we prayed. Feel free to copy this for yourselves...
What is Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament?
The North American martyrs were Fr. Isaac Jogues, Fr. John de Brebeuf, Fr. Noel Chabanel, Fr. Anthony Daniel, Fr. Charles Garnier, Fr. Gabriel Lalemant, Rene Goupil and John Lalande.