Appointments of the altar
Appointments of the altar are the items that go on the altar.
Appointments of the altar are the items that go on the altar.
Here in North America, public Nativity Scenes are almost extinct, and any that get erected may not be up for long before someone complains that it is highly offensive.
“St. Ignatius learned from the Mother of God herself how he ought to fight the battles of the Lord.
Cowboy poetry. I never heard of it until just recently.
There are 7 chief spiritual works of mercy and they are…..
The sanctuary is the holiest part of the church, and it symbolically represents Heaven.
The word “church” refers to a public place of worship and is derived from the Old Saxon word of kirika which is similar to the modern German word, kirche.
The American Life League started 36 years ago at their kitchen table.
Your Morning Tradition on Magnificat Radio had the opportunity to speak with Rita Davidson, the author of Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue.
What are liturgical books?
PRAYER REQUEST Please be generous in your prayers for the following priest: We would like to request your prayers for our priest, Fr. Daniel Cooper, who resides at our priory in Dickinson, Texas. Fr....
Did you ever happen to wonder…why so many colors in the Roman Liturgy?
Have you ever been on vacation or working out of town and wondered where you could find a Traditional Latin Mass?
IN THIS SHOW: Prayer requests from the news and This Day in History – Fr. Peter Scott via Skype on “Laudato Si” (pt. 1) – Fr. Peter Scott (pt. 2) – Story about Brother...
Many may think that this traditional Roman Mass, from the 1962 Missale Romanum, is identical to the form used during the time of Pope St. Gregory the Great or even of Pope St. Peter.
IN THIS SHOW: History & Saint of the Day – Louis Tofari explains his website (Romantics Press) – Mr. Tofari talks about “Biretta Etiquette” (the tradition and rules surrounding the wearing of the Biretta)...
IN THIS SHOW: History & Saint of the Day – Fr. Peter Scott (via Skype from S. Africa) on the Synod (puts 1 & 2) – Mrs. Weigle and the new book + Lisa’s...
Your Morning Tradition- Friday, July 31st IN THIS SHOW: Saint of the Day & History – Fr. Peter Scott via Skype from S. Africa – A look ahead at the weekend. 1st Half 2nd...
From September to November of this year, 2015, the major relics of St. Maria Goretti will make a pilgrimage to the United States.