OLVS – Homeschool Tips of the Week
A new feature has begun on MAGNIFICAT RADIO!
A new feature has begun on MAGNIFICAT RADIO!
PRAYER REQUEST Please be generous in your prayers for the repose of the soul of the following person and her family: Just heard the news that a dear friend’s daughter, Bridget, passed away recently....
PRAYER REQUEST Please be generous in your prayers for the following person and their family: Please pray for baby Benedict. His mother, Josette, had a heart attack when she was carrying him and it...
PRAYER REQUEST Please be generous in your prayers for the following person: Please pray for me I’m 5mths pregnant and I’m in terrible pain I’m so afraid that I will bleed and loose baby...
There is a direct connection between the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Our Lady of Good Success.
Vesture. It means an item of clothing; garment; attire. That’s what linen cloths are for the Chalice.
January 21st, 2016 at 4am was the start of our journey towards March for Life in Washington DC.
PRAYER REQUEST Please be generous in your prayers for the following person: Marilyn Matt, mother to Michael Matt of the Remnant, was afflicted with a stroke during an operation on her heart valve January...
Lets start with the history. The earliest known linens were made from thin yarn spun from flax fibers to make linen cloth.
First of all what is a pilgrimage?
Y.M.T. IN THIS SHOW: A look ahead at the anniversary of The Battle of Lapanto – Rita Davidson interview about the house fire and salvaging “Immodesty, Satin’s Virtue” – A look at the...
Y.M.T. “Living Our Traditional Catholic Failth”. In this show: A mention of the picnic for Fr. Dean’s 25th Anniversary to the Priesthood (Mysty Mt. Boys). – INTERVIEW with Rita Davidson, author of “Immodesty, Satin’s...
PRAYER REQUEST Please be generous in your prayers for the following person: Please pray for my niece who was diagnosed with breast cancer. Ask God to give her the strength to persevere with dignity.
When you can’t go to Mass, send your Guardian Angel in your place.
Like everything else there is a proper way to decorate the church altars.
Wouldn’t it be lovely to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day in Bethlehem visiting the very spots our Lord was more than 2,000 years ago?
One fervent Hail Mary with love and thought said
For the vocalized verses of the Mass Ordinary, that part of the Mass which is the same every day, history informs us that there are six rhythmic modes that make up its substance.