New Work Truck
PRAYER REQUEST Please be generous in your prayers for the following person: Please pray to St Joseph for my husband to find a new work truck that is reliable and inexpensive. God Bless and...
PRAYER REQUEST Please be generous in your prayers for the following person: Please pray to St Joseph for my husband to find a new work truck that is reliable and inexpensive. God Bless and...
PRAYER REQUEST Please be generous in your prayers for the following persons: Please pray for us about everything and may God love us.
PRAYER REQUEST Please be generous in your prayers for the following person: Please keep my dad in your prayers. His heart went back into A-fib. Ask God to correct this in the easiest way...
According to the book History of the Mass, the fourth Sunday of Lent is what is known as the “Sunday of the Golden Rose”, from a custom observed at Rome of blessing a rose...
St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary is a place where young men go to receive their intellectual and spiritual formation in the hope of becoming a future priest.
PRAYER REQUEST Please be generous in your prayers for the following person: Please pray that I find true love…and please pray that God may bless me with a good job very soon. Thank you very much...
IN THIS SHOW: We talk with Joe Iserman of Patriot Outfitters about survival food and other supplies that this Traditional Catholic owned business, sells. Then it’s our friend Louis Tofari and a little tease...
For a long time the celebrant merely bowed after each elevation of our dear Lord in Holy Communion.
PRAYER REQUEST Please be generous in your prayers for the following family: PLEASE PRAY FOR MALCOLM, JANE, SHAWN, AND NICOLE FERRAO
PRAYER REQUEST Please be generous in your prayers for the following priest: Please keep Fr. Novak in your prayers for a successful outcome on his cataract surgery. Thank you!
PRAYER REQUEST Please be generous in your prayers for the following people and their families: Prayers for Mr. McNally and family for heart transplant. Prayers for Mr. Carroll and family. Prayers for the McDonald...
Every year the church goes through this; starting from the beginning of the Easter season of the liturgical year the Church has followed our Lord’s footsteps in the course of His apostolic ministry.
The year is 1753. The date, April 25 when John Licci, a holy religious Dominican, was Beatified by Pope Benedict the XIV.
IN THIS SHOW: Mike & Lisa talk about things happening at Magnificat Radio going into Lent, such as The Stations of the Cross every Friday! Of course, there is This Day In History. Then,...
PRAYER REQUEST Please be generous in your prayers for the following person and their family: Dear Sirs, I request prayers on behalf of my family to defend us from the influence of a group of...
PRAYER REQUEST Please be generous in your prayers for the following person and his family: Father of 4, Disabled Wife, Daily Communicant Facing Court Hearing 2/29 at 930 AM for a ‘Mortgage Fraud’/Economic Crime...
PRAYER REQUEST Please be generous in your prayers for the following person: Please pray that my long term disability is approved before the end of February 2016. I may need free legal help in...
PRAYER REQUEST Please be generous in your prayers for the following person and their family: My wife Maria Rosa fight against cancer for 5 years. Please pray for her. Invoke S.S. Pio X for...
PRAYER REQUEST Please be generous in your prayers for the following person: Please pray that God will provide a way so I can get a missal cover for my new St Andrew Daily Missal.
In the early church it is most likely that only one linen cloth was used to serve as both altar-cloth and corporal.