Good Health for Parents-seriously ill
PRAYER REQUEST Please be generous in your prayers for the following people: I am asking everyone to please pray for my mother who just found out some very dangerous news. This is extremely serious...
PRAYER REQUEST Please be generous in your prayers for the following people: I am asking everyone to please pray for my mother who just found out some very dangerous news. This is extremely serious...
PRAYER REQUEST Please be generous in your prayers for the following person: Please pray for my uncle Gary he has pneumonia and a blood clot to his lung. His health is going for the...
PRAYER REQUEST Please be generous in your prayers for the following person: Please pray for Patrick and his family. He has pressure on his brain and has been hospitalized. May the doctors find the...
PRAYER REQUEST Please be generous in your prayers for the following priest: Please keep a very special priest in your prayers and rosaries…Fr. Jenkins, SSPX Priest. He is ill and he is getting some...
PRAYER REQUEST Please be generous in your prayers for the following person: Please pray for the Uncle John who is VERY sick. He had cancer a few years back and now the medicine for...