“Your Morning Tradition”- Wed.- August 10th, 2016
Mike & Lisa start their day with talking a little about the Olympics and then they chat about a couple of crosses, one is that Lisa’s microphone dies just before the broadcast! Then Lisa...
Mike & Lisa start their day with talking a little about the Olympics and then they chat about a couple of crosses, one is that Lisa’s microphone dies just before the broadcast! Then Lisa...
Louis Tofari from www.romanitaspress.com talks about the raising of the Host at the consecration. Also, Brian McCall J.D. from Oklahoma City discusses the events that took place at the Civic Center. Finally, Mike has...
www.romanitaspress.com In this episode Louis discusses the profound significance of why the celebrant kisses the altar several times during the Roman Mass.
www.romanitaspress.com In this episode, Louis Tofari continues his talk on the prayers at the foot of the Altar. From the Antiphon through Psalm 42 and forward. Mr. Tofari goes in depth with the rubrics...
www.magnificatmedia.com In this episode of “Learning About The Roman Liturgy”, Louis Tofari discusses, in depth, the prayers at the foot of the altar. This is part 1 of a 2 part show. the second...
In this episode, Louis Tofari explains the Latin meaning of the word “Pentecost”. Louis also takes a detailed look at the Chant, Prayers and deep, Liturgical significance surrounding the Mass at Pentecost. ENJOY!
Every year the church goes through this; starting from the beginning of the Easter season of the liturgical year the Church has followed our Lord’s footsteps in the course of His apostolic ministry.
In the early church it is most likely that only one linen cloth was used to serve as both altar-cloth and corporal.
Like everything else there is a proper way to decorate the church altars.
IN THIS SHOW: History & Saint of the Day – Louis Tofari explains his website (Romantics Press) – Mr. Tofari talks about “Biretta Etiquette” (the tradition and rules surrounding the wearing of the Biretta)...
Did you know that Latin was not always used as the liturgical language?
Romanitas….we hear that word often in conjunction with Louis Tofari but what does that word mean exactly.
Immediately before the principal Sunday Mass, the celebrant, wearing a cope and
Below you will see what a maniple looks like but have you ever wondered why the priest wears it?