For the Second Coming of Jesus
PRAYER REQUEST Please be generous in your prayers for this: Prayer For the Second Coming of Jesus -I pray that Jesus Christ returns to Earth soon, to bring the eternal love and peace of...
PRAYER REQUEST Please be generous in your prayers for this: Prayer For the Second Coming of Jesus -I pray that Jesus Christ returns to Earth soon, to bring the eternal love and peace of...
In this "Church & State" episode, Stephen Kokx talks briefly about the European Union and then shares his thoughts on Cdl. Muller’s remarks about the Society of St. Pius X needing to “accept Vatican...
May 17, 2016- “Your Morning Tradition” on Magnificat Radio (www.magnificatmedia.com). In this show, Mike & Lisa talk to Greg Vanderwoude about his conversion story and how he came to be a Traditional Catholic then...
Padre Pio was a Capuchin Monk born in 1887 in Pietrelcina, Italy. He suffered many physical maladies and was sickly throughout his life.
PRAYER REQUEST Please be generous in your prayers in thanksgiving for a prayer received: I am so happy right now that I have my family back together again.
This prayer is abridged from a prayer composed by Archbishop Carroll, A.D. 1800, for the United States of America…
PRAYER REQUEST Please be generous in your prayers for the following family: Please pray for wisdom, favor, blessings. protection, and good health for Stacey, Brent, Mary Hope, Whitten, Asher, Margaret, Ann Elizabeth, Steven, Nancy,...
The fruit of the Holy Ghost…The honoring of the REAL presence of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist…This is what a Corpus Christi procession is all about.
In this episode, Louis Tofari explains the Latin meaning of the word “Pentecost”. Louis also takes a detailed look at the Chant, Prayers and deep, Liturgical significance surrounding the Mass at Pentecost. ENJOY!
PRAYER REQUEST Please be generous in your prayers for the following person and their family: Please pray for the repose of my sisters mother-in laws soul. She died from the stroke months ago. She was not...
Whitsuntide, or Pentecost: A feast in commemoration and honor of the Holy Ghost, descending visibly upon the heads of the Apostles, in the shape of tongues, as it were of fire.
PRAYER REQUEST Please be generous in your prayers for the following person: For my ex-husb and his girlfriend to end their bullying/abusive behavior toward me in regard to shared parenting of my son. Boundaries...
PRAYER REQUEST Please join your prayers for the following people: Divine Mercy Incarnate Jesus, please bless us with discernment of Your ways/will and help us to see through Your eyes the paths You have...
PRAYER REQUEST Please be generous in your prayers for the following person: Hello, I have been alone for 4 years now. I live by myself and miss family company, but more importantly someone to share...
PRAYER REQUEST Please be generous in your prayers for the following person: I pray that God will grant me my hearts desires. That I will finally meet my husband to be, a catholic gentleman and...
IN THIS SHOW: Mike & Lisa talk about the May Crowning of Our Lady at the Chapel in Madison, Wisconsin. Lisa has some nice suggestions for performing a May Crowning at your house! Also,...
The importance of cemeteries: Why did Cruz select Carly Fiorina as his running mate? Analyzing Trump’s foreign policy speech Michael Voris, SSPX-Rome relations All content and materials available on this web site are protected...
PRAYER REQUEST Please be generous in your prayers for the following people who have passed: Of your charity, pray for the blessed repose of the soul of my mother, Darlene Marie Therese. Of your...
I saw water coming forth from the temple on the right side, alleluia: and all those to whom this water came were saved, and shall say, alleluia.
PRAYER REQUEST Please be generous in your prayers for the following person: Please pray for me as I am in severe pain in my back these past 4 weeks. I have a cyst on...