Pilgrimages are always a good spiritual exercise. It stretches you to your limits.
The unique aspect about a pilgrimage though is that while you are being stretched to your limits it becomes a worthy sacrifice when you join it with Our Lord on the cross. It’s not just about endurance and to see how far you can go. It’s about sacrifice. A brutal sacrifice for your family, for the world.
Since it’s inception in 1998 the Santa Fe Pilgrimage has been nicknamed “The Iron Man’s Pilgrimage”. Despite this title many return year after year to reclaim their steps and push forward to “Take the Nail” not for just themselves but also for their families.
The Santa Fe Pilgrimage has a three-fold purpose. One, to effect a Catholic Reconquista of our country. Two, to make reparation for the modern apostasy of the Church’s hierarchy. Three, for a special intention that is given by the SSPX’s USA District Superior every year. This will be announced before the pilgrimage.
What makes this pilgrimage different from all others? It’s unique in the fact that it’s a 33-mile pilgrimage to the Padilla Cross where the Catholic Faith was planted in 1541 plus it’s an overnight pilgrimage so it’s easy to schedule around. (To read about more of the history go HERE or HERE)
The Santa Fe Pilgrimage always takes place around the Feast of St. James the Greater (July 25th). This years dates are then Friday, July 28th through Saturday, July 29th, 2017. The cost is $15 dollars per adult and $10 dollars per minor. To start, all you need is the application form and your money. The organizers will provide a priest, liquids, snacks, sandwiches, a gravel road, and of course, a blessed nail (the pilgrim’s scrip). Additional items to bring will be broken-in shoes, a change of socks, rosary and daily missal, canteen for liquids, additional high-energy food snacks, a waterproof coat or pancho, cash for the group meal following Mass, and the map (located below).
Join Mike from MAGNIFICAT RADIO and “Take the Nail”! See you there!
If you don’t think that you can make the 33-mile journey Louis is always looking for volunteers for its support team! These people are just as important! They provide key support to the walking pilgrims as a rest stop assistant, vehicle support, etc. Contact Louis Tofari @ (816) 982-0691 for more information. Must RSVP by July 24th, 2017.
Santa Fe Pilgrimage forms
Release of liability agreement
We release and hold harmless Society of Saint Pius X, of Kansas City, Missouri, Inc., d/b/a St. Vincent de Paul Church, or The Society of Saint Pius X South-West District, Inc., and any and every of its chapels, schools, or other subsidiaries, subordinates or affiliates, and any and every of the priests, teachers, delegates, drivers, volunteers, agents, employees, officers or directors of these entities from any liability or claim of liability, including negligence, and for any personal injury, including death, (and especially including- but not limited to- bodily injury or death from any motor vehicle accident or hiking-related incident) and for any other damages (including actual, compensatory, consequential, or incidental), arising from or relating to activities which take place during the “Santa Fe Pilgrimage” to Lyons, Kansas, or in the travel to and from said pilgrimage during July 28-29, 2017.
Adults (18 years or older) ____________________________________
For minors (under the age of 18)
Father ____________________________________ Mother ___________________________________
Permission to transport minor children
We, _______________________________(Father), and ________________________________(Mother),
parents of ______________________________________ hereby consent to our child’s(ren’s)
participation in the road trip and “Santa Fe Pilgrimage” to Lyons, Kansas during July 28-29, 2017. We further consent to allow any of the priests, teachers, employees, officers, directors, parents or volunteers connected with Society of Saint Pius X, of Kansas City, Missouri, Inc., d/b/a St. Vincent de Paul Church, or The Society of Saint Pius X South-West District, Inc. or any and every of its subsidiaries, subordinates or affiliates, or whomever any of these so delegates to transport my child(ren) to and from such road trip.
Medical treatment consent form
We, ______________________________(Father), and ____________________________(Mother), parents of
_________________________________________, hereby consent on behalf of our child(ren), to any
hospitalization or medical treatment by any licensed physician in the case of illness or injury to said child, arising from or relating to events or activities which take place in the travel to and from and during the “Santa Fe Pilgrimage” to Lyons, Kansas during July 28-29, 2017, or while our child is otherwise within the custody of any of the priests, teachers, delegates, drivers, volunteers, agents, employees, officers or directors of Society of Saint Pius X, of Kansas City, Missouri, Inc. d/b/a St. Vincent de Paul Church and Academy, The Society of Saint Pius X, South-West District Inc., or of any of its chapels, schools or other subsidiaries, subordinates or affiliated organizations in connection with said pilgrimage.
Father ____________________________________ Mother ____________________________________
Medical Information
Father’s Social Security No. _____________________ Mother’s SSN_____________________ Child’s SSN _____________________
Brief medical history of child, including allergies and restricted medications: _________________________________________________________
Child’s physician’s name, phone and address: ___________________________________________________________________________________
In case of emergency, please call:__________________________________________________
Insurance Information
Name of Insurance Carrier:__________________________ Policy No.: __________________
Agent’s Name and Telephone Number:______________________ Group No.: ______________