Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina was an Italian Composer of sacred music and was a master at counterpoint.
His style and elegant flare has left a lasting influence on Roman Catholic church music and is seen as the culmination of Renaissance polyphony.
Nicholas Wilton who began writing sacred choral music in the late 1980’s, is known as a “modern Palestrina”. Nicholas too is unique in having his roots grounded in his Catholic faith. He is heartily devoted to the things of God and his music is a great example of this love.
His first introduction to music was the Mozart and Schubert Lieder which his German mother sang to her children. In his twenties he came to admire the sacred music of the sixteenth century Catholic masters. His aspiration is to provide liturgical music in this style for choirs of all sizes, including smaller parishes. His desire is to subtly accentuate different parts of the Mass with his music and have everyone experience their souls lifting up to heaven to glorify God.
Nicholas is delighted that the acclaimed choir Magnificat should be the first to record his music. These recordings were in honor of Our Lord, on the 2000th anniversary of His Incarnation and Nativity, and in honor of Our Lady on the 2000th anniversary of her Divine Maternity. It is dedicated principally to Our Lady of La Salette, St. Michael, and St. Philomena.
Nicholas as been featured at Ars Pulchra Magazine
To purchase his music to go tutti
To purchase Nichlas Wilton’s Sheet Music for your chapel or church.
Nicholas Wilton’s Sacred Choral Music is featured throughout the day on Magnificat Media/Radio