What is real Catholic Modesty? It’s more than just clothing.
It’s a whole attitude not just for ladies but for men too. When you’re dealing with this issue where do you start? It starts with the ladies.
Years ago we were fortunate enough to take a beloved religious sister to Mass with us. She would always remind us how important it is to teach modesty to our children. She would tell us that it’s very important for the good of our souls and would go on to explain how she almost lost her faith due to the loosening of the rules in her convent. Can you imagine a religious sister loosing her faith over clothing? Yet, this is exactly what she told us. She told us that she was told she didn’t have to wear her habit anymore and was encouraged to wear secular clothing. She told us that she tried it for a while but could feel her vocation slipping away from her. The removal of her habit opened up the doors to worldly ways and she began to loose her consecrated self to the world. She recognized this and immediately put her habit back on and NEVER took it off again. She told us that her habit was her protection. Her constant reminder of who she belonged to.
What prompted sister’s convent to decide to take off their habits? It happened back in the early 1960’s when the teaching order of the Immaculate Heart of Mary took off their habits, left the schools and convents, and moved into the apartments in the cities. They simply walked away from their God given duties. Feminism, the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men, actually started in our convents and moved swiftly through them then it moved into the secular world.
I’m not being archaic but a realist. In no way will I ever equal a man. Not in appearance. Not in strength. Not even in the way I think. When a lady starts embracing her femininity she will begin to understand her real asset over herself, her family, and her husband. Femininity is a different kind of strength from physical strength and only a woman would understand this. Our outward appearance reflects our inward self as women and men. A good rule of thumb for both women and men is this: Conceal don’t reveal!
Hear more about modesty when Your Morning Tradition talks with Rita Davidson, author of Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue on Magnificat Radio. Click Listen Live OR here at Magnificat Media from 6am – 8am and from 3pm – 5pm, CDT, USA on Tuesday, October 25th, 2016.
Order the book here: Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue. Read a little backstory and purchase the book towards the bottom.