The North American martyrs were Fr. Isaac Jogues, Fr. John de Brebeuf, Fr. Noel Chabanel, Fr. Anthony Daniel, Fr. Charles Garnier, Fr. Gabriel Lalemant, Rene Goupil and John Lalande. They were beatified by Pope Pius XI n 1925 and were canonized by the Pontiff five years later.
After entering the Society of Jesus, Fr. Jogues was appointed professor of literature at Rouen, and later was sent as a missioner to “New France”, now Canada. His zeal for converting the Indians led him among continual hardships that would penetrate as far as Sault Ste. Marie. The Indians were very superstitious and thought that their sickness and ruin crops were due to the presence of the missionaries. They were in constant danger. One time Fr. Jogues and some companions were captured near Three Rivers, New York. St. Goupil was slain, and the others after severe tortures were condemned to death. But while the Indians were preparing for their slaughter, they escaped, and Fr. Jogues returned to France. The Pope gave him permission to say Mass even though several of his fingers were mutilated.
In a few months, he returned to Canada and subsequently was blamed yet again for the blighted crops. The Iroquios Indians stripped, slashed, and finally tomahawked Fr. Jogues, on October 18, 1646 at the town of Auriesville, New York.
Shortly after his death 3,000 Huron Indians were converted. The Iroquois Indians at different times seized the remaining companions and tortured them with arrows, boiling water, hot irons, and put them to death.
To learn more about the North American Martyrs and the 2016 Auriesville pilgrimage: For the Catholic Family, September 9th through September 11th, visit their website at Auriesville Pilgramage for more intimate details.