Catholic politician Marine Le Pen has a good chance at becoming the next President of France. Quite naturally, the Davos crowd is in a frenzy. Among other things, she has promised to get tough on immigration and, most recently, pledged to replace homosexual “marriages” with “civil partnerships.” Clever of her to announce this right when she took the lead in the polls. Oh, and did I mention she refused to meet with Lebanon’s grand mufti because she was to wear a headscarf?
Church Militant.com has been unjustly attacked. Though one can definitely disagree with many things Voris & Co. produce, USA Today’s hit piece on the Detroit-based media outlet is at the same time disgusting and predictable. The article follows the typical mainstream media playbook: this is a “fringe” website that espouses “anti-semitic,” “anti-gay” opinions. Did the Southern Poverty Law Center write this?
Be sure to take some time out of your day to visit EWTN’s UK website. Deacon Nick Donnelly has been generating some great articles lately. Freemasonry, Bernard Janzen, and Our Lady of Fatima have all been featured topics in the past week.
Pope Francis is set to yet again defile the office of the Papacy. It has been announced that this Sunday His Holiness will become the first pontiff to visit an Anglican church in the Diocese of Rome. Apparently the trip will feature an Anglican Choral Evensong service (the equivalent of Vespers). Peter needs to be rebuked.
Gregory Baum was an influential player at the Second Vatican Council. A former Jesuit priest, he focused mostly on ecumenism and the Church’s relationship with the Jews. In his 1977 book Christian Theology after Auschwitz, Baum wrote:
After Auschwitz the Christian churches no longer wish to convert the Jews. While they may not be sure of the theological grounds that dispense them from this mission, the churches have become aware that asking the Jews to become Christians is a spiritual way of blotting them out of existence and thus only reinforces the effects of the Holocaust.
No doubt this is what many Bishops since the publication of Nostra Aetate believe. As President Trump would say, “sad!” In his most recent book, Baum, who is 93, revealed that he was an active homosexual for decades, despite being married to a former Catholic nun. John-Henry Westen of LifeSiteNews gave as assessment of just how much damage this man has done to the Church. Read it here.