Yesterday I was reminded of the power of heaven.
I was having problems with my computer and trying to connect to the internet. I was extremely disappointed to find out that our interview was going to be delayed due to a crashed computer. Then my children told me to pray to Saint Isidore of Seville. I found out that St. Isidore of Seville is the patron saint of computers, computer users, computer programmers, and the Internet. So I prayed to St. Isidore. Nothing lengthy. Short and sweet and ended it with, “if God wills it”. Within a minute of that prayer ending I get call from the person I’m interviewing saying that everything is up and running and they don’t know why. Thank you St. Isidore of Seville for your intercessory prayers! Every now and again we need a little reminder of the power of heaven!
Who is St. Isidore of Seville? He was born at Cartagena in Spain. His two brothers, Leander and Fulgentius, both bishops, and his sister Florentina, are saints. As a boy Isidore was discouraged because he failed in his studies, and he ran away from school. Later he decided to go back and try again. With the help of God, he became on of the most learned men of his time.
St. Isidore helped in converting the leader of the Arian party, and delivered Spain from this heresy. Following a call from God, he became a hermit even though his friends pleaded with him. After his brother’s death he became the Archbishop of Seville. As a teacher, ruler, founder, and reformer, he labored not only in his own diocese, but throughout Spain, and even in foreign countries. He presided at the Fourth Council of Toledo.
St. Isidore wrote many books. He governed his diocese about thirty-seven years. He died in Seville on April 4, 636, and within sixteen years of his death, he was declared a Doctor of the Church. So why is he the patron saint of computers and the internet then? St. Isidore is well-known for writing ‘Etymologies’ (a type of dictionary). This gave this work a structure that is very similar in character to that of the database.