In the times that we live in today have you ever considered packing up your family and moving them closer to a SSPX church or chapel?
Did you ever consider moving to a remote, secluded place where all you see is farm land? Most of us probably have considered it but because of economical purposes are unable to move.
One such family decided to take the plunge and move to Buckingham County, Virginia. Where is that, you ask? It’s right here, one hour and twenty minutes west of Richmond, Virginia and one hour and thirty minutes south of the Shenandoah National Park, Virginia.
With absolutely nothing around except for the new seminary that the Society of Saint Pius X is building and a few farms, the Kayatin family packed up all their belongings and headed out on a new adventure to Buckingham County, Virginia for the soul purpose of being closer to the Traditional Latin Mass. Right now, they are the only “traditional” family that is officially living out their but other “traditional” families are starting to look and move there too.
To hear more about this fascinating story listen to Your Morning Tradition, Wednesday, September 2, 2015, on Magnificat Radio at Magnificatmedia.com from 6 am – 8 am and from 3 pm to 5 pm.
In the meantime, check out this great video below about the new seminary project.