Most people in the world have never read an encyclical yet we hear it referenced quite often. If you’re like most people, the encyclicals can be a little intimidating.
Maybe even a little hard to follow but have you ever really tried to read them?
Don’t wait anymore! In this wacky, crazy, world we live in today you need to arm yourself with good, solid logic and teaching! Faith is not a feeling, it’s an objective truth and not difficult to follow. Starting, January 16th, Your Morning Tradition will start exploring the encyclicals with Fr. Scott. We will begin with Pope Pius X and we’ll work our way up. To make it easier to follow you might want to consider purchasing the book Against The Heresies or HERE or HERE.
Over the course of this study you can ask your own questions and Fr. Scott will answer them. Send your questions to: lisa@magnificatmedia.com and Father will answer them the following week on Your Morning Tradition every Monday. For instance; on Monday, January 16th we will be discussing E Supremi Apostolatus of Pope St. Puis X. Send in your questions to this encyclical starting NOW and we will present them to Father on Monday, January 16th. Don’t delay, order your book and follow along or just follow along.
As the book says: “Some Things Aren’t GRAY. They’re BLACK and WHITE.” Go to Magnificat Radio and click ‘Listen Live’ or ‘Radio’.