ATTENTION MEN & BOYS: If you haven’t made your plans yet there is still time! Set your calendars, your iPads, your smartphones to walk in a very efficacious, warrior- like, pilgrimage two hours west of St. Mary’s, Kansas!
This pilgrimage is for men and boys only!
Since it’s inception, the Santa Fe Pilgrimage has been envisioned as a Midwestern parallel with the famous pilgrimage to the Shrine of St. James de Compostela in Santiago, Spain. It’s connection starts with the Feast of St. James the Greater. According to tradition, when the Apostles left Jerusalem to preach the Gospel, St. James traveled to Spain and preached the Catholic Faith there. Upon his return to Jerusalem in 44 AD, he was beheaded by King Herod also know as, Agrippa I. Afterwards, St. James’ body was miraculously transferred to Iria Flavia in Spain and then later to the town of Compostela which is now the city of Santiago de Compostela. This is the location where the shrine sprang up.
A second connection is the Santa Fe Trail. Fr. Juan de Padilla, a Spanish Franciscan priest traveled north from New Compostella, Mexico with the great Conquistador, Coronado in 1542 to convert the United States of American to the Faith and was subsequently martyred for his efforts. Just outside of Lyons, KS erected near the spot where Fr. Padilla planted a wooden cross in the center of a Quivira Indian village is a 26 foot high, granite Padilla Cross. This majestic sight along with a mass is what the Santa Fe pilgrims end their long journeys night with. About a days journey to the east from this cross is where Fr. Juan de Padilla was martyred by the same Indians whom he attempted to convert. Thirty-three miles is what you will walk. This represents the years Our Lord was with us on earth. You will also be walking in the footsteps of Fr. de Padilla and Coronado himself.
Since it’s inception, the Santa Fe Pilgrimage has a three-fold purpose. One, to effect a Catholic Reconquista of our country. Two, to make reparation for the modern apostasy of the Church’s hierarchy. Three, for a special intention that is given by the SSPX’s USA District Superior every year. This years intention was for the “SANCTIFICATION of PRIESTS”.
This great pilgrimage will take place on JULY 22nd. For God, Country, & your family…You can still make it!…You can DO this!! For additional questions or to sign-up, contact the pilgrimage coordinator: Louis Tofari: 816-982-0691