The hidden mysteries of Palm Sunday
Turning to Sacred Scriptures, we find the bearing of palm branches to have been one of the principal ways of manifesting joy; and one not only approved but commanded by God at the time...
Turning to Sacred Scriptures, we find the bearing of palm branches to have been one of the principal ways of manifesting joy; and one not only approved but commanded by God at the time...
According to the book History of the Mass, the fourth Sunday of Lent is what is known as the “Sunday of the Golden Rose”, from a custom observed at Rome of blessing a rose...
For a long time the celebrant merely bowed after each elevation of our dear Lord in Holy Communion.
Vesture. It means an item of clothing; garment; attire. That’s what linen cloths are for the Chalice.
Like everything else there is a proper way to decorate the church altars.
Wouldn’t it be lovely to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day in Bethlehem visiting the very spots our Lord was more than 2,000 years ago?
Appointments of the altar are the items that go on the altar.
The altar mystically represents Christ’s body therefore it is clothed with regal and priestly vesture.
The sanctuary is the holiest part of the church, and it symbolically represents Heaven.