We can not be indifferent any longer
Here is a beautiful letter from our Superior General of the FSSPX, Father Davide Pagliarani. Let us all join in what he is requesting for Our Holy Mother, the Holy Roman Catholic Church.
Here is a beautiful letter from our Superior General of the FSSPX, Father Davide Pagliarani. Let us all join in what he is requesting for Our Holy Mother, the Holy Roman Catholic Church.
Here are the prayers to say a rosary for priests:
Pilgrimages are always a good spiritual exercise. It stretches you to your limits.
Yesterday I was reminded of the power of heaven.
Keeping a Holy Hour Prayers and Hymns Compiled from approved sources
The customary observance of the first Friday of each month was encouraged by the Catholic Church, based on a promise made to St. Margaret Mary of Alacoque, that special favors, such as the grace...
It is piously believed that whoever recites this prayer fifteen times a day from the Feast of St. Andrew (November 30th) until Christmas will obtain what is asked.
In the late 1940’s, Communist leaders in Russia called upon their composers to get busy and write more opera classics.
ATTENTION MEN & BOYS: If you haven’t made your plans yet there is still time! Set your calendars, your iPads, your smartphones to walk in a very efficacious, warrior- like, pilgrimage two hours west of...
This prayer is abridged from a prayer composed by Archbishop Carroll, A.D. 1800, for the United States of America…
The following is an excerpt of a Starkenburg article that was written a long time ago by Father Novak.
If you happened to catch the talk on education this morning, Monday, September 14th, on Your Morning Tradition, the following St. Thomas Aquinas prayer is what we prayed. Feel free to copy this for yourselves...
The North American martyrs were Fr. Isaac Jogues, Fr. John de Brebeuf, Fr. Noel Chabanel, Fr. Anthony Daniel, Fr. Charles Garnier, Fr. Gabriel Lalemant, Rene Goupil and John Lalande.
Right here in the United States we have a very special pilgrimage that happens once a year around the feast day of St. James the Greater ( July 25).
Looking to make some changes in your life? Then consider the Cataldo Pilgrimage. This pilgrimage, although done as a group, is very much an individual journey. Its design is to help the pilgrim search...