Paschal Triduum
The first three days of Holy Week have a special contribution to the overall theme of the week
The first three days of Holy Week have a special contribution to the overall theme of the week
Turning to Sacred Scriptures, we find the bearing of palm branches to have been one of the principal ways of manifesting joy; and one not only approved but commanded by God at the time...
Built in 1923 this historic, beautiful Shrine has survived through 93 years of history.
According to the book History of the Mass, the fourth Sunday of Lent is what is known as the “Sunday of the Golden Rose”, from a custom observed at Rome of blessing a rose...
St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary is a place where young men go to receive their intellectual and spiritual formation in the hope of becoming a future priest.
For a long time the celebrant merely bowed after each elevation of our dear Lord in Holy Communion.
Every year the church goes through this; starting from the beginning of the Easter season of the liturgical year the Church has followed our Lord’s footsteps in the course of His apostolic ministry.
The year is 1753. The date, April 25 when John Licci, a holy religious Dominican, was Beatified by Pope Benedict the XIV.
In the early church it is most likely that only one linen cloth was used to serve as both altar-cloth and corporal.
A new feature has begun on MAGNIFICAT RADIO!
There is a direct connection between the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Our Lady of Good Success.
Vesture. It means an item of clothing; garment; attire. That’s what linen cloths are for the Chalice.
January 21st, 2016 at 4am was the start of our journey towards March for Life in Washington DC.
Lets start with the history. The earliest known linens were made from thin yarn spun from flax fibers to make linen cloth.
First of all what is a pilgrimage?
When you can’t go to Mass, send your Guardian Angel in your place.
Like everything else there is a proper way to decorate the church altars.
Wouldn’t it be lovely to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day in Bethlehem visiting the very spots our Lord was more than 2,000 years ago?