Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament
What is Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament?
What is Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament?
The North American martyrs were Fr. Isaac Jogues, Fr. John de Brebeuf, Fr. Noel Chabanel, Fr. Anthony Daniel, Fr. Charles Garnier, Fr. Gabriel Lalemant, Rene Goupil and John Lalande.
This article is taken from a very old publication of the Catholic. It’s called A Day To Remember by Rev. Fr. W. H. Stinson, C.SS.R. A portion of it was featured today on Your...
The earliest known practice of honoring the dead dates back to the late 2nd century.
In the times that we live in today have you ever considered packing up your family and moving them closer to a SSPX church or chapel?
Today, August 28, 2015, we highlighted the talk Cultural Babylon: Navigating Troubled Waters by Dr. Andrew Childs Ph.D. from the
Immediately before the principal Sunday Mass, the celebrant, wearing a cope and
Meet Elizabeth, The Solitary Swan. A twenty-something year old who loves everything vintage.
This very first approved apparition site in the United States began 150 years ago in Champion, Wisconsin.
September 9, 1848 is the anniversary of the founding of St. Mary’s, Kansas.
Below you will see what a maniple looks like but have you ever wondered why the priest wears it?
We are one human nature consisting of body and soul. We know how to take care of and nurture the body but how do you take care of and nurture the soul to obtain...
Before God gave me my children I searched high and low for a good home schooling program.
Some of you know Brother Francis of the Heart of Mary located in St. Mary’s, Kansas.
This is a term we came across not too long ago. Do you know what it is?
Some of us have probably wondered from time to time about the rubrics of the Mass. Today’s question is about the biretta.
Right here in the United States we have a very special pilgrimage that happens once a year around the feast day of St. James the Greater ( July 25).
At Magnificat Radio we had the pleasure in speaking with Father Peter Scott this past week and he updated us on the progress of the construction project at Our Lady of Sorrows Priory in...
Many people, for decades, have grown up thinking that marriage is an institution they can simply disregard when the going gets tough.
News broke out earlier this week in regards to a huge moral issue….the harvesting of aborted baby organs. Over the past 41 years there has been over 55,000,000 million babies in this nation alone...