I am “Choice”
“We have freedom to do good or evil; yet to make a choice of evil is not to use, but to abuse our freedom.” – St. Frances de Sales
“We have freedom to do good or evil; yet to make a choice of evil is not to use, but to abuse our freedom.” – St. Frances de Sales
Mike and Lisa welcome Rita Davidson, the author of “Immodesty, Satan’s Virtue.” Her book is available after being rescued, literally, from the ashes of her burned home. Rita also reveals the prominent Catholic who...
“Your Morning Tradition” for October 21st featured one of our old friends. The guest for this show is Joe Sales. Joe writes the blog Joe Sales, Being Catholic and Striving for Holiness in life, faith,...
Mike & Lisa talk about voting, This Day In History, Guest: Stephen Kokx on the elections and politics. Mike shares an uplifting story about Simone Biles, the U.S.’s Gold Medal gymnast who is a...
Mike & Lisa start their day with talking a little about the Olympics and then they chat about a couple of crosses, one is that Lisa’s microphone dies just before the broadcast! Then Lisa...
In this episode of “Your Morning Tradition”, Mike & Lisa talk about the upcoming Mother Cabrini pilgrimage in Colorado, This Day In History, Guest for the first segment is Jesus Angel Miguel Garcia joins...
The Feast of St. John Vianney (pray for our Holy, Traditional Catholic Priests), This Day In History, National “Put a zucchini on your neighbor’s porch day.” Guest: Fr. Peter Scott talks about the Sanctus...
It’s the usual fun and information with “This Day In History” and then Mike & Lisa talk with Katie Williams about the Confronternity of Catholic Homeschool Mothers. In the final segment, Mike & Lisa...
Latin Word of the Day with Jesus Angel Miguel Garcia. Among other words, Mike & Lisa explore the origins of the words “Cardinal” and “Jesus.” Then, Mike has an observation about new parishioners taking...
Louis Tofari from www.romanitaspress.com talks about the raising of the Host at the consecration. Also, Brian McCall J.D. from Oklahoma City discusses the events that took place at the Civic Center. Finally, Mike has...
This is the 31 minute interview we did with Jean Pollock of “Mystical Rose Herbals”. I somehow deleted the rest of the show, but Jean was the main focus anyway. Some very interesting information...
May 17, 2016- “Your Morning Tradition” on Magnificat Radio (www.magnificatmedia.com). In this show, Mike & Lisa talk to Greg Vanderwoude about his conversion story and how he came to be a Traditional Catholic then...
“Your Morning Tradition” on www.magnificatmedia.com – Mike & Lisa Austin talk about the anniversary of the 1st Fatima apparition. Then, today’s guest is Gemma Drury from England via Skype. Gemma talks about modesty and...
IN THIS SHOW: Mike & Lisa talk about the May Crowning of Our Lady at the Chapel in Madison, Wisconsin. Lisa has some nice suggestions for performing a May Crowning at your house! Also,...
IN THIS SHOW: Mike & Lisa chat about Lisa preparing to “fill in” for an ailing Stephen Kokx on the news. Also it’s THIS DAY IN HISTORY! Today there are 2 guests…one of them...
IN THIS SHOW: Of course you get “This Day in History”- Guest: John Vennari to talk about the Fatima Conference coming up April 22-24, in Boston. John talks about the tribute to Fr. Gruner...
IN THIS SHOW: Today Mike and Lisa talk with Dr. Suzanne Jamail about her book, “Healing From Heaven”. Dr. Jamail wrote this as a way to get past the downturn in her life and...
IN THIS SHOW: In addition to This Day In History and Saint of the Day, Mike and Lisa talk with John Venari concerning the upcoming “Amoris Laetitia”, the post-synodal Exhortation. John discusses the events...
IN THIS SHOW: It’s LEAP DAY!!! Our Saint of the Day today is St. Oswald. Today’s guest is our staff historian, Mr. Robert F. Garrison. Mr. Garrison discusses some of the historical claims of...
IN THIS SHOW: Mike & Lisa talk about the Labrador Retriever being named the #1 favorite dog. Of course it’s This Day In History & Saint of the Day. Next, today’s guest is Joseph...