What is Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament?
It’s a Eucharistic devotion in the Catholic Church of the Latin Rite. In its traditional form, a priest, vested in surplice, stole, and cope, places on the altar the consecrated Host in the ostensorium, or monstrance, and then incenses it. O Salutaris Hostia or similar hymn is usually sung at the beginning of exposition, followed by a period of meditation, praise, and adoration by the priest and people. At the conclusion of the ceremony the Tantum Ergo hymn is chanted, with another incensation, and followed by blessing the people with the raised monstrance in the form of a cross.
During the blessing the priest wears the humeral veil covering his hands. A small bell is rung during the blessing. The Divine Praises are then sung or recited by the priest and people, and the Blessed Sacrament is reposed in the tabernacle.
Benediction is commonly held on major feasts and Sundays, also during Lent, during a mission, or retreat or during Forty Hours Devotion.
To find out more about this devotional practice and what makes this rite so unique listen to Your Morning Tradition when they interview Louis Tofari from Romanitas Press on Magnificat Radio at Magnificatmedia.com Friday, September 11th between 6am – 8am and 3pm -5pm, CDT, USA.
Listen to some of the beautiful music below and on Magnificat Radio at Magnificatmedia.com.
Tantum Ergo
Adoro Te Devote