The Golden Hail Mary
One fervent Hail Mary with love and thought said
One fervent Hail Mary with love and thought said
IN THIS SHOW: This Day In History – Saint of the Day – Steven Kokx news – John Venari “Who Are the Catholic Fundamentalits?….YOU”. – Christmas Decorating Injuries 1st HALF 2nd HALF All content...
For the vocalized verses of the Mass Ordinary, that part of the Mass which is the same every day, history informs us that there are six rhythmic modes that make up its substance.
Appointments of the altar are the items that go on the altar.
A while back Mike and I were looking for interesting people to interview that love their Catholic Faith and we ran across Sam Guzman from The Catholic Gentleman.
Here in North America, public Nativity Scenes are almost extinct, and any that get erected may not be up for long before someone complains that it is highly offensive.
In honor of Our Lady.
The altar mystically represents Christ’s body therefore it is clothed with regal and priestly vesture.
“St. Ignatius learned from the Mother of God herself how he ought to fight the battles of the Lord.
In the 17th century Our Lady appeared to a Spanish Conceptionist nun,
Cowboy poetry. I never heard of it until just recently.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the center of Catholic life and is our continuing source of sanctifying grace.
The Advent Wreath is a great tradition to implement in all homes during the Advent Season.
When you can’t go to Mass, send your Guardian Angel in your place by saying this prayer…..
There are 7 chief spiritual works of mercy and they are…..
“Learning About the Roman Liturgy” with Louis Tofari – Louis talk about changes that have occured in the Roman Mass throughout it’s history. All content and materials available on this web site are...
“Learning About the Roman Liturgy” with Louis Tofari – The use of Latin in the Roman Liturgy. All content and materials available on this web site are protected by copyrights, trademarks, service marks,...
“Learning About the Roman Liturgy” with Louis Tofari examines the Liturgical Rites of the West vs the East. All content and materials available on this web site are protected by copyrights, trademarks, service...
The sanctuary is the holiest part of the church, and it symbolically represents Heaven.