This information came across our news desk and we ask that everyone sign this petition….
A production house out of Brazil has decided to make a film that depicts Our Lord and Our Lady in a heinous way. They found an outlet to publicize it, Netflix. Netflix has decided to release it and call it a “Christmas Special”! We are SO offended by this production that we will only say the title of the movie which is The First Temptation of Christ. This is suppose to be an international comedy but NOTHING is funny about this! Our Lord was tempted, yes, but He NEVER gave into the temptations. He is and was, God made man. Emmanuel, meaning, “God is with us”.
We have talked about this before on Magnificat Radio and we ask you now to Stand Up for Our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Lady, the blessed Mother of God, and defend them as we have promised when we became Soldiers for Christ at our Confirmations and Knights of the Immaculatae. Join us in signing this petition at Sign Petition now and stop Netflix from showing this blasphemous film! God bless you!