Bishop Tissier on the life of Archbishop Lefebvre
His Excellency Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais was kind enough to allow Magnificiat Media the opportunity to record a recent conference he gave on the life of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre.
His Excellency Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais was kind enough to allow Magnificiat Media the opportunity to record a recent conference he gave on the life of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre.
The current liberal world order seeks to eradicate from public discourse the one true faith, which it views as an expositor of “hate speech.”
A group of Vatican “scholars” are, for whatever reason, planning to study yet again Martin Luther and the events surrounding the Protestant Revolt.
Rod Dreher’s long-awaited book The Benedict Option has been released. A common theme among reviewers is that Dreher is overly dramatic in his critique of contemporary culture. That he is too dark, too pessimistic.
On Monday, March 13th a group of Anglicans sang Evensong (the equivalent of Catholic Vespers) in St. Peter’s Basilica. David Moxon, an Anglican “Archbishop” who runs the Anglican Center in Rome, presided over the...
There’s been a lot of talk about the so-called Benedict Option over the past couple years. Rod Dreher, a blogger at The American Conservative, has been driving the conversation.
Most everyone has heard of Malachi Martin. Born in Ireland in 1921, he was ordained a Jesuit priest in 1954.
Good news from the U.S. Energy Information Administration. The amount of homes that don’t own a television has doubled since 2009.
Catholic politician Marine Le Pen has a good chance at becoming the next President of France. Quite naturally, the Davos crowd is in a frenzy. Among other things, she has promised to get tough...
Why does every Fr. Tom, Brother Dick and Deacon Harry in the post-conciliar Church think they have to appropriate cultural norms in order to reach Catholics? The Church got along just fine without karaoke...
Peter Ritzen is a world-renowned pianist, composer and conductor. He has performed throughout Europe, Asia, and the United States and is an acclaimed interpreter of Franz Liszt & Theodor Leschetizky.
The Bishops of Malta have issued a decree allowing Catholics living in a state of mortal sin to receive communion so long as their conscience tells them they are “at peace with God.”
Daniel McAdams is the Executive Director of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity. On this episode of Church and State, he and Stephen Kokx discuss, among other things, the Rex Tillerson hearings, fake news,...
2017 marks the 100th anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima. It also marks the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Revolt against the one true faith.
Dr. Robert Kraynak is a professor of political science and director of the Center for Freedom & Western Civilization at Colgate University in New York. For decades, he’s written about Catholicism, political theory, and democracy.
McDonald’s just opened up a restaurant literally feet from St. Peter’s Square. The prime real estate will cost the multinational corporation $33,000 per month.
The world goes on vacation. Catholics go on pilgrimages.
The mainstream media and the CIA are coordinating with a cabal of international elites to undermine President-elect Donald Trump. His potential peaceful relationship with Vladimir Putin could set back their plans for global hegemony a...
Brian McCall from Oklahoma Law School joins Stephen Kokx on Church and State to talk about the 2016 election. Among other things, the two discuss what Donald Trump’s victory means for the future of...
Parents have an immense responsibility. Not only must they ensure that the material needs of their children are met, but they must see to it that their children’s spiritual needs are looked after as...